
Frequently Asked Questions –

Curious about Electric Ink Society located in Old Town Bellevue, Nebraska?
Got a question about a service we offer? We have created this section to answer some of our most frequent questions!

Are you licensed & insured?

In short, the answer is yes we are licensed and insured in Nebraska. It is essential to hire a tattoo company that is both licensed and insured. When you get inked by an unlicensed company, you are taking significant risks perhaps even at the expense of your own health.

What payment methods can you accept?

Taking care of your new tattoo is essential for preserving its appearance and keeping it looking its best for years to come. It’s important to remember to keep it away from water and harsh chemicals, clean it regularly and moisturize it. Make sure to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and a protective barrier when you’re in the pool or ocean. If you follow the above instructions, you should find that your tattoo heals without any issues. However, if you do encounter any problems, such as excessive redness, excessive pain, or swelling, then it’s best to contact your tattoo artist. They’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action and help to ensure that your new tattoo heals properly.

Should I tip My Tattoo Artist?

Tipping is a really nice gesture and is very appreciated by any artist. But, there are no real solid ground rules for tipping and isn’t required or expected.

What is permeant makeup?

Taking care of your new tattoo is essential for preserving its appearance and keeping it looking its best for years to come. It’s important to remember to keep it away from water and harsh chemicals, clean it regularly and moisturize it. Make sure to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and a protective barrier when you’re in the pool or ocean. If you follow the above instructions, you should find that your tattoo heals without any issues. However, if you do encounter any problems, such as excessive redness, excessive pain, or swelling, then it’s best to contact your tattoo artist. They’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action and help to ensure that your new tattoo heals properly.

are tattoos safe?

As long as you go to a reputable company like Electric Ink Society that follows all recommended safety precautions & protocols, getting a tattoo is perfectly safe. Make sure you’re upfront and honest about any medical conditions you may have.

What about tattoo aftercare?

It’s advised to take care of your tattoo after it’s done to prevent infection and keep it looking pristine as long as possible. Your tattoo artist can answer any questions you have about your job, your workout routine, pets, or anything else you might not see on your aftercare sheet.

If you’re planning a weekend swimming retreat or running a marathon, wait until after to get your tattoo. You’ll want to keep your tattoo clean, and sweat-free, moisturizing it often with an effective tattoo cream. Avoid exposing it to the sun, submerging it in water, or wearing clothing that may stick to or rub on the fresh tattoo. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting ink on before your tattoo appointment, and don’t forget to check your aftercare instructions before you leave in case you have any further questions.

More on this topic can be found below or alternatively, you can click here!

How Much does it hurt?

Each person has a different tolerance for pain, and it varies from individual to individual. It does hurt, but not that much. Several people have compared it to a “hot scratching feeling” while others have compared it to a “bee sting.” Regardless, most people wouldn’t return for tattoo after tattoo if it hurt that bad. Even though most of us do not enjoy pain, the beauty of a tattoo and the pride associated with it far outweigh the small amount of discomfort you will experience.

The placement of your tattoo as well as certain colors may contribute to the “pain factor.” If you are concerned about pain, ask your artist for suggestions.

What Should I Get? And Where?

Your only limit is your own imagination. You can get whatever you want, and whatever your artist is willing to do. You can choose a portrait, or you can have us create a custom piece. As far as where you should get it, just keep in mind what you do for work and the type of social circles you are in. You might want to place your tattoo where it can be easily covered up with normal clothing.

I got a new tattoo! Can I shave?

It will take some time for your skin to heal enough for you to shave again and it can vary from person to person.

How do I prepare for my tattoo session?
Make sure you are well rested, well hydrated, and have eaten recently. Aside from that, take a shower, charge your phone or tablet, and don’t bring in your 10 friends (1-2 are fine).  It’s recommended to be comfortable over fashionable. Looser clothing is always better than tighter when receiving a tattoo. Lastly, refrain from drinking prior to your visit.

You should not get tattooed when you are:

  • Drunk
  • High
  • Pregnant
  • Pre-Surgery
  • Post-Surgery
  • When you’re sunburned
  • If you don’t have an ID
  • If we think your idea is bad

How to Care for Your New Tattoo: An Expert's Guide

Introduction - New Tattoo Care

You’ve just gotten a new tattoo and you’re feeling pretty pleased with yourself. But before you can enjoy your new ink, there’s one more important thing you need to do: take care of it! A new tattoo is a wound – and like any wound, it needs to be properly cared for to prevent infection and promote healing. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to take care of a tattoo.

In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to properly care for your new tattoo broken down into sections. We’ll also explain what to do if you experience any problems. So if you’re ready to learn how to take care of your new tattoo, read on!


Good tattoo care is essential in order to keep your tattoo looking its best for years to come. Not only will it help to minimize any ink loss and fading over time, but it’ll also help to prevent the development of any skin infections or other problems. To ensure your tattoo looks its best for as long as possible, it’s essential you follow the right aftercare instructions. Make sure you ask your tattoo artist for advice and that you follow any instructions they give you. If you’ve forgotten them, you can always look them up online or ask a member of staff at the tattoo studio.


For the first few days after getting your tattoo, you should keep it covered with a bandage. After a few days, you can remove the bandage and leave it uncovered. It’s important to keep your new tattoo away from water and harsh chemicals. You also need to clean it regularly and apply a moisturizing lotion. It’s also important to make sure that you never pick at your new tattoo. You may experience some itching or scabbing and your instinct may be to pick at it, but that can prevent it from healing properly and cause scarring.


Moisturizing your tattoo regularly is key for keeping it looking good. You should aim to moisturize your tattoo at least twice a day – once in the morning, and once before bed. When applying moisturizer, you should use a very thin layer and make sure that you only use products that are specifically designed for tattoos. Your moisturizer should be a non-perfumed, alcohol-free lotion. Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands before applying and wash off any moisturizer with lukewarm water after applying.


Using sunscreen on your tattoo is also very important. Sun exposure can damage the ink, causing it to fade and lose its vivid color. To prevent this from happening, you should apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 whenever your tattoo will be exposed to the sun. Make sure to look for a sunscreen that is specifically designed for tattoos and that is water and sweat resistant. Sunscreen with a higher SPF, such as SPF 50 is even better and will provide your tattoo with greater protection. 5. How can you protect your tattoo when you’re in the pool or ocean? You should also be extra careful when your tattoo is exposed to water, such as in a swimming pool or the ocean. Unfortunately, chlorine and salt water can cause all sorts of issues with tattoos, such as irritation, infection, and fading. Even if your tattoo is fully healed, it's still a good idea to use a protective barrier such as a waterproof lotion or Vaseline, which can help to shield your tattoo from the water. Also, make sure to keep your tattoo away from sharp objects or potential contaminants in the water. This includes any toys such as inflatable beach balls.


Taking care of your new tattoo is essential for preserving its appearance and keeping it looking its best for years to come. It’s important to remember to keep it away from water and harsh chemicals, clean it regularly and moisturize it. Make sure to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and a protective barrier when you’re in the pool or ocean. If you follow the above instructions, you should find that your tattoo heals without any issues. However, if you do encounter any problems, such as excessive redness, excessive pain, or swelling, then it’s best to contact your tattoo artist. They’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action and help to ensure that your new tattoo heals properly.

Tattoo Removal Aftercare: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction - Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal is a growing trend in the United States, with an estimated 20% of people with tattoos wanting them removed. Laser tattoo removal is the most common method of tattoo removal, and it is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted tattoos.

However, there is a risk of complications after laser tattoo removal, and it is important to know how to take care of your skin after the procedure. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to tattoo removal aftercare, including what to do and what to avoid in the days and weeks following your procedure.

What can I expect Immediately following the Procedure?

After your laser tattoo removal session, the treated area will feel hot, sensitive, and even slightly swollen. The tattoo may also appear blistered or red for the first few hours after treatment.

What can you expect and what you should do?
  • Apply an ice pack to the treated area. This will help to reduce swelling and soothe any discomfort.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication if you experience any pain.
  • Keep the area clean, and apply an antibiotic cream to the treated area if your doctor recommends it.
  • Do not scratch or pick at the treated area, as this can lead to scarring.
  • Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight. Wear clothing that covers the treated area or apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to the site when going outside.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity for the first few days after the procedure, as this can cause irritation to the treated area.
  • Over the next few days, keep the area clean and covered with a sterile, dry dressing. Change the dressing daily or as directed by your doctor.
  • Apply an ice pack to the treated area. This will help to reduce swelling and soothe any discomfort.
Weeks After the Procedure?

The weeks following your laser tattoo removal procedure are critical to the success of the treatment. Proper care can help prevent scarring or other complications.

  • Keep the area clean and dry. Do not soak the area in water or expose it to hot tubs, pools, or saunas for at least two weeks.
  • Do not wear tight or restrictive clothing that may rub against the treated area.
  • Moisturize the treated area with a healing ointment or lotion recommended by your doctor.
  • Do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight or use tanning beds.
  • Avoid heavy exercise or activities that cause excessive sweating for at least a week after the procedure.
  • Do not pick at scabs that may form. Allow them to fall off naturally.
  • Some people may experience a change in skin pigmentation after the procedure. This usually resolves on its own within a few weeks.

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective method for removing unwanted tattoos. However, proper aftercare is critical to achieving the best results and minimizing the risk of complications. If you have questions or concerns about tattoo removal aftercare, speak with your healthcare provider or tattoo removal service provider. With a little care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of having your tattoo removed without worrying about complications.

Permanent Makeup Aftercare: A Complete Guide

Introduction - Permanent Makeup & Aftercare

Permanent makeup, also known as intradermal pigmentation, is a cosmetic tattooing technique in which tattoo ink is injected into the dermis layer of the skin to produce the appearance of makeup. The results can last for years, depending on the individual’s skin type and the type of pigment used.

Although permanent makeup can be a convenient way to save time on your beauty routine, it’s important to note that aftercare is just as important as the initial tattooing process. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about permanent makeup aftercare, including how to care for your new tattoo, what to expect in the healing process, and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Care instructions After getting permanent makeup.

You should avoid getting your tattoo wet for the first few days to minimize the risk of infection. Apply a thin layer of ointment or cream to the treated area for the first seven days to help with the healing process. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, and swimming for at least a week after getting the tattoo. Wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid irritating the treated area. Some scabbing may occur its important to avoid picking or scratching at the area.

What's the healing process for permanent makeup?

The healing process for permanent makeup can vary depending on the individual’s skin type and the type of pigment used. Typically, the treated area will scab over and eventually peel off, revealing the final result. This process can take up to three weeks.

Should I schedule a Follow-up appointment?

It’s important to schedule a follow-up appointment with the technician who performed your procedure to ensure that your tattoo is healing properly and to make any necessary touch-ups. This appointment should be scheduled within 4-6 weeks of your initial appointment. Overall, the aftercare of permanent makeup is essential to ensure that your tattoo heals properly and lasts as long as possible. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the convenience and beauty benefits of permanent makeup for years to come.


Permanent makeup can be a great way to save time and enhance your beauty routine. However, it’s important to take proper care of your permanent makeup to ensure it lasts. This guide provided a comprehensive overview of how to care for your permanent makeup. This included avoiding sun exposure, using sunblock, cleansing the area, and avoiding picking or scratching the area. If you take proper care of your permanent makeup, it will last for many years. Be sure to follow these tips to keep your makeup looking its best.

Tattoo Removal Aftercare: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction - Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal is a growing trend in the United States, with an estimated 20% of people with tattoos wanting them removed. Laser tattoo removal is the most common method of tattoo removal, and it is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted tattoos.

However, there is a risk of complications after laser tattoo removal, and it is important to know how to take care of your skin after the procedure. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to tattoo removal aftercare, including what to do and what to avoid in the days and weeks following your procedure.

What can I expect Immediately following the Procedure?

After your laser tattoo removal session, the treated area will feel hot, sensitive, and even slightly swollen. The tattoo may also appear blistered or red for the first few hours after treatment.

What can you expect and what you should do?
  • Apply an ice pack to the treated area. This will help to reduce swelling and soothe any discomfort.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication if you experience any pain.
  • Keep the area clean, and apply an antibiotic cream to the treated area if your doctor recommends it.
  • Do not scratch or pick at the treated area, as this can lead to scarring.
  • Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight. Wear clothing that covers the treated area or apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to the site when going outside.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity for the first few days after the procedure, as this can cause irritation to the treated area.
  • Over the next few days, keep the area clean and covered with a sterile, dry dressing. Change the dressing daily or as directed by your doctor.
  • Apply an ice pack to the treated area. This will help to reduce swelling and soothe any discomfort.
Weeks After the Procedure?

The weeks following your laser tattoo removal procedure are critical to the success of the treatment. Proper care can help prevent scarring or other complications.

  • Keep the area clean and dry. Do not soak the area in water or expose it to hot tubs, pools, or saunas for at least two weeks.
  • Do not wear tight or restrictive clothing that may rub against the treated area.
  • Moisturize the treated area with a healing ointment or lotion recommended by your doctor.
  • Do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight or use tanning beds.
  • Avoid heavy exercise or activities that cause excessive sweating for at least a week after the procedure.
  • Do not pick at scabs that may form. Allow them to fall off naturally.
  • Some people may experience a change in skin pigmentation after the procedure. This usually resolves on its own within a few weeks.

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective method for removing unwanted tattoos. However, proper aftercare is critical to achieving the best results and minimizing the risk of complications. If you have questions or concerns about tattoo removal aftercare, speak with your healthcare provider or tattoo removal service provider. With a little care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of having your tattoo removed without worrying about complications.

Permanent Makeup Aftercare: A Complete Guide

Introduction – Permanent Makeup & Aftercare

Permanent makeup, also known as intradermal pigmentation, is a cosmetic tattooing technique in which tattoo ink is injected into the dermis layer of the skin to produce the appearance of makeup. The results can last for years, depending on the individual’s skin type and the type of pigment used.

Although permanent makeup can be a convenient way to save time on your beauty routine, it’s important to note that aftercare is just as important as the initial tattooing process. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about permanent makeup aftercare, including how to care for your new tattoo, what to expect in the healing process, and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Care instructions After getting permanent makeup.

You should avoid getting your tattoo wet for the first few days to minimize the risk of infection. Apply a thin layer of ointment or cream to the treated area for the first seven days to help with the healing process. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, and swimming for at least a week after getting the tattoo. Wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid irritating the treated area. Some scabbing may occur its important to avoid picking or scratching at the area.

What's the healing process for permanent makeup?

The healing process for permanent makeup can vary depending on the individual’s skin type and the type of pigment used. Typically, the treated area will scab over and eventually peel off, revealing the final result. This process can take up to three weeks.

Should I schedule a Follow-up appointment?

It’s important to schedule a follow-up appointment with the technician who performed your procedure to ensure that your tattoo is healing properly and to make any necessary touch-ups. This appointment should be scheduled within 4-6 weeks of your initial appointment. Overall, the aftercare of permanent makeup is essential to ensure that your tattoo heals properly and lasts as long as possible. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the convenience and beauty benefits of permanent makeup for years to come.


Permanent makeup can be a great way to save time and enhance your beauty routine. However, it’s important to take proper care of your permanent makeup to ensure it lasts. This guide provided a comprehensive overview of how to care for your permanent makeup. This included avoiding sun exposure, using sunblock, cleansing the area, and avoiding picking or scratching the area. If you take proper care of your permanent makeup, it will last for many years. Be sure to follow these tips to keep your makeup looking its best.